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Case studies for patenting and disclosure requirements of healthcare innovations

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Case studies for patenting and disclosure requirements of healthcare innovations

Submitted by Efua Halm
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Meet your Expert:

Dr Daniel Sava is a Valuations Consultant at Mathys & Squire Consulting. Daniel has 5 years of experience in intellectual property commercialisation and management. He has experience in the valuation of IP and Intangible Assets for large corporations for licensing and strategic partnerships and for start-ups and SME’s seeking to attract investment and potential partners. Daniel has completed WIPO’s International Patent Drafting Course in 2022.

He has previously worked as an IP Manager at the Supplant Company where he has gained significant experience in IP management and strategy, including in IP landscaping, freedom to operate searches, patent drafting and IP training. Daniel has also worked for the University of Manchester Innovation Factory where he focused on the commercialisation of technologies ranging from modelling software to oncology diagnostics.

Overview of the session:

The presentation will focus on outlining the strategies that three different companies from three different healthcare fields (vaccines, diagnostics, gene therapy) have employed for patenting their innovations, and how success can be achieved in different ways. Also, it will showcase the usage of the global dossier and patent searching platforms in understanding the prosecution of certain patents.