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WIPO International Patent Drafting Training Program

WIPO International Patent Drafting Training Program

Submitted by Efua Halm on Mon, 13/12/2021 - 12:56

Patent drafting training program:

Transforming inventions into well-crafted patent applications requires a combination of knowledge and skills  that can only be acquired through hands-on experience. WIPO is launching the International Patent Drafting Training Program (IPDTP) to do just that. The Program, launching in 2022, gives you a chance to learn the mechanics of patent drafting and put it into practice over eight months. You’ll learn from experienced practitioners how to develop commercially impactful patent applications that work in multiple markets. The IPDTP will give you the chance to work on applications in your technical field while building your network with a group of practitioners from around the world. The course is developed by WIPO in cooperation with the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI).

Registration is open until January 31, 2022. Visit: 

Link to video:

Powering innovation ecosystems through the International Patent Drafting Training Program: