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We would like to share some data and statistics on the eTISC, since…

Added by eTISC

Do you want to know what Apple is up to in the future? What will be the…

Added by eTISC

The USPTO has granted 34 Apple patent applications last Tuesday - …

Added by eTISC

Great blog article by Stefan Lindegaard "15 Examples of Open Innovation…

Added by eTISC

Very inspiring article published in the latest Harvard Business Review…

Added by eTISC

Our colleague Emma Poole wrote this amazing article on how science-fiction…

Added by eTISC

A very interesting article by Don Rosenberg, Executive Vice President and…

Added by eTISC

Want to know how LED's actually work? Here's a great article by our…

Added by eTISC

The First South Asian Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC)…

Added by eTISC

"Commercializing IP: changing academic mindsets in the Philippines…

Added by eTISC

Is this the beginning of a patent revolution? Toyota announced that they…

Added by eTISC

A unique multidisciplinary research by the…

Added by eTISC