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If you are ... 

a government official or …

Added by eTISC

Do you want to know what technology transfer is and how it works? The…

Added by eTISC

There are amazing technologies being developed in university labs across…

Added by eTISC
Added by eTISC

The annual competition for young technopreneurs is underway.

Added by eTISC

The Moroccan TISC network has just published its April 2013 newsletter…

Added by eTISC

Due to numerous requests, the Research4Life partnership announced today…

Added by eTISC

Added by eTISC

See how the world celebrates World IP Day 2013! Come and join us on…

Added by eTISC

To see the answer…

Added by eTISC

We are pleased to inform you that all documents related to the activities…

Added by eTISC

Good  morning,

I would like to share with you some…

Added by eTISC