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Introduction to WIPO INSPIRE

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Introduction to WIPO INSPIRE

Submitted by Vipin Saroha
Mon, 09/11/2020 - 15:34
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Do you want to access comprehensive, unbiased, and structured reports on many patent databases and understand which suits your needs?

In this webinar, we will to learn how WIPO INSPIRE (Index of Specialized Patent Information Reports) can help you with this.

WIPO INSPIRE offers a range of powerful but easy-to-use functionalities for both novice and expert patent information users in mind. They include:

  • - a comparison of features for up to four patent databases,
  • - an interactive world database coverage map, allowing users to determine, at a glance, which patent databases offer coverage of a specific jurisdiction.

This webinar will be held in English and presented by Vipin Saroha , Associate Information Management Officer, WIPO.

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