V&P Service by AI & VAX Tokenomics
AI Training on Any Data \ AI Generated Synthetic Data & IP For Royalties
AI Value \ Buy & Sell \ Store & Trades Yours Any Data & IP
VAX Are Types of AI Utility Coins of Valued Data & IP
People Are VAX Paid IP & Data Providers
V&P Reward Standard & Algorithm
VAX Tokenomic Model & Solution
VAX Valuation Solution
VAX Finance Standard
VAX Payments Model
VAX Dynamic System
A: Educator \ Contributor
B: Data (Content) Creator \ IP Rights Owner
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: Novel by Quentin Tarantino (QT)
Scenario 1:
Step 1: A submits QT to AI.
Step 2: AI evaluates QT and determines its value to be 100 VAX.
Step 3: Since A is not the author, AI automatically creates an account for B (if it doesn't exist already).
Step 4: AI distributes the VAX as follows: 25 VAX to A for training \ 50 VAX to B for authorship \ 25 VAX as a reward to itself for completing the task.
Scenario 2 (B submits QT to AI): AI allocates 75 VAX to B and 25 VAX to BOX2.
Scenario 3 (The authorship cannot be determined): AI allocates 75 VAX to the Contributor and 25 VAX to BOX2.
Scenario 4 (Request to AI \ "Write a poem in QT's style"): A pays for the generation of the response with VAX tokens, AI compensates 50% of the spent tokens from BOX1 and splits them equally between B and BOX2.
Scenario 5 (AI Response): If the request does not explicitly ask for authorship but the AI uses authorial content, it distributes the VAX similarly to Scenario 4.
*** When all VAX in BOX1 are depleted, all accumulated VAX in BOX2 are moved to BOX1, and the evaluation and payouts start anew; however, rewards and royalties drop by half. This moment is called halving.
International Legislation: "Right to the Integrity of a Work and Protection Against Distortion".
A Russian company owns the authorship solution of the most effective and perfected in the world model for the commercialization of intellectual property (IP) assets and methods of training artificial intelligence (AI) for reward, which are an integral part of the IP CDOs Model & AI Pay Valuator Solution.
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