July 22-25, 2024: Nairobi
WIPO’s Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program offers free or low cost access to subscription-based applied sciences and engineering journals and is part of Reseach4Life (R4L), a public-private partnership comprising the World Health Organization’s (WHO) HINARI program, the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) AGORA program, the United Nations Environment Program’s (UNEP) OARE program, and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) GOALI program, as well as the world’s major scientific and technical journal publishers.
The General Partner's Meeting (GPM) is the main governing body of the R4L partnership that confirms by consensus the partnership’s strategic policy decisions. This year’s GPM was hosted by UNEP in Nairobi and was the first time that the meeting was held on the African continent. There are a large number of R4L members in African countries and the choice of location helped to facilitate their in-person participation. This also allowed those attending the meeting from Europe and North American to connect with the local members and to visit their institutions.

The meeting comprised visits to R4L user institutions and afforded an opportunity to learn more about those who use ARDI, and to trouble-shoot any possible challenges that they may be facing.