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Strengthening Technology Transfer in Southern Africa: On-the-Job Training to Boost TISCs/TTOs

Strengthening Technology Transfer in Southern Africa: On-the-Job Training to Boost TISCs/TTOs

Submitted by Efua Halm on

In a significant stride toward enhancing technology transfer (TT) capabilities in Southern Africa, a pioneering initiative is set to provide invaluable on-the-job training to technology transfer practitioners from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in collaboration with Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) and the Japan Patent Office (JPO), will offer an immersive eight-week training program at South African Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) from August 15 to October 31, 2023.

Acknowledging that TT in the SADC region is still in its nascent stages, with universities primarily focused on research capacity building and lacking practical knowledge and experience in TT, this initiative aims to reinforce and empower Technology Innovation Support Centers (TISCs)/TTOs across the region. By equipping technology transfer practitioners with vital skills, this program endeavors to bridge the gap and promote effective TT practices in the region.

The selection process for participants will be rigorous and competitive, overseen by WIPO and SARIMA. A total of 12 individuals will be chosen to take part in the on-the-job experiential training, ensuring representation from various countries within the SADC region. These selected practitioners will have the opportunity to work closely with experienced professionals at South African TTOs, gaining firsthand experience in the intricacies of technology transfer processes and strategies.

Upon completion of the program, the participants will apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills to advance TT functions at their respective public universities or research institutions in their home countries. This transfer of expertise will be instrumental in establishing sustainable and efficient technology transfer frameworks, fostering innovation, and facilitating collaboration between academia, industry, and the public sector.

The collaborative effort between WIPO, SARIMA, and JPO exemplifies the commitment to bolstering technology transfer in the SADC region. By providing this unique training opportunity, the initiative aims to create a ripple effect, enabling practitioners to become catalysts of change within their institutions and propel the region toward greater technological advancement and economic growth.

Say hello to WIPO’s website on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer