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World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2024: IP and the SDGs - Building our common future with innovation and creativity

World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2024: IP and the SDGs - Building our common future with innovation and creativity

Submitted by Efua Halm on

On April 26, the world celebrates the endless possibilities of building a strong, shared common future that intellectual property (IP) helps to bring to life. 

This year, on World Intellectual Property Day, we are happy to announce that we are focusing on 'IP and the SDGs: Building our common future with innovation and creativity'. World IP Day 2024 is an opportunity to explore how (IP) encourages and can amplify the innovative and creative solutions that are so crucial to building our common future.

Learn about what the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are: Sustainable Development Goals

As usual, we have a number of planned activities for you to sink your teeth into:

-  World IP Day 2024 Youth Video Competition: Unleash your creativity in a 60 to 90-second video that showcases how an inventor, creator, entrepreneur, or local community near you is shaping a better future for all with innovation, creativity, and IP rights.

Find out how you can take part of this competition and stand a chance to win BIG - ;

World Intellectual Property Day Change Makers’ Gallery: Participate in nominating a change maker in your community who is building a sustainable future for everyone, everywhere.

Check out our Change Makers' Gallery -

Create your own World IP Day Campaign: Get information on how you can join us to celebrate and support this year's IP Day Campaign -

IP Resources and Tools for Inventors, Creators and Entrepreneurs: Finally, you can support an inventor down the road from you, or an innovator in your area, to gain access to WIPO's resources, tools, and information that offer useful insights about the IP ecosystem -

We look forward to working with you and supporting you into a better and more sustainable world for all!