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Online Closing Ceremony of the WIPO National IP Policies Project in Jordan

Online Closing Ceremony of the WIPO National IP Policies Project in Jordan

Submitted by Efua Halm on

In 2019, WIPO in collaboration with the Industrial Property Protection Directorate (IPPD), Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply in Jordan, initiated the technical assistance project aimed to support national universities and research institutions (RIs) in developing their institutional IP policies.

One of the outcomes of the project has been the development of the document entitled “Institutional IP Policy for Jordanian Universities and Research Institutions” on the basis of a WIPO model, in the Arabic and English languages. It resembles a structural model that could be used as a guide for the Jordanian universities and research institutions to build their own institutional IP policies.

As a premier result, the Hashemite University and the Applied Science Private University in Jordan have adopted their institutional IP policies. In addition, nine more universities and research institutions are expected to adopt their IP Policies in the nearest future.

Following the successful finalization of the Project, a celebration ceremony will be organized on June 20, 2022. The engaged team of supporting experts will present a Final Report that will describe the project process, explain the methodology, present the results and lessons learned, and provide recommendations to ensure sustainability of the project results.

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