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Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO: Sixty-Third Series of Meetings kick off!

Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO: Sixty-Third Series of Meetings kick off!

Submitted by Efua Halm on

July 14 - 22, 2022

The Sixty-Third Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO kick off today at the WIPO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

In compliance with current health and safety measures, the Assemblies will be held in a hybrid format.

You can register online here:

The agenda for the Assemblies is as follows:

Opening of the Sessions:

1. Opening of the Sessions (A/63/INF/1 Rev.)

2. Adoption of the Agenda (A/63/1 Prov.4) (A/63/2 Prov.3)

3. Report of the Director General to the Assemblies of WIPO

4. General Statements

5. Election of Officers

Governing Bodies and Institutional Issues:

6. Admission of Observers (A/63/3 Rev.)

7. Draft Agendas for 2023 Ordinary Sessions (A/63/4)

8. New Electoral Cycle of the Officers of WIPO Assemblies and other Bodies (A/63/5 Rev.)

WIPO Committees and International Normative Framework:

9. Reports from WIPO Committees:

  1. The Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) (WO/GA/55/1)
  2. The Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) (WO/GA/55/2)
  3. The Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) (WO/GA/55/3) (WO/GA/55/3 Corr.)
  4. Matters Concerning the Convening of a Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Design Law Treaty (DLT) (WO/GA/55/4)
  5. The Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) and Review of the Implementation of the Development Agenda (WO/GA/55/5)
  6. The Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) (WO/GA/55/6)
  7. The Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) (WO/GA/55/7)

Progam, Budget and Oversight Matters:

10. Reports on Audit and Oversight

  1. Report by the Independent Advisory Oversight Committee (IAOC) (WO/GA/55/8)
  2. Report by the External Auditor (A/63/6)
  3. Report by the Director of the Internal Oversight Division (IOD) (WO/GA/55/9)

11. Report on the Program and Budget Committee (PBC) (A/63/7)

Staff matters:

12. Reports on Staff Matters

  1. Report on Human Resources (WO/CC/81/INF/1) (WO/CC/81/3)
  2. Report by the Ethics Office (WO/CC/81/INF/2)

13. Amendments to Staff Regulations and Rules (WO/CC/81/2)

Global Intellectual Property Services:

14. WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, including Domain Names (WO/GA/55/10)

15. Madrid System (MM/A/56/1)

16. Hague System (H/A/42/1)

17. Lisbon System (LI/A/39/1)

Other Assemblies and Treaties:

18. Budapest Union Assembly (BP/A/39/1)

Other matters:

19. Assistance and Support for Ukraine’s Innovation and Creativity Sector and Intellectual Property System (A/63/8)

Closing of the Sessions:

20. Adoption of the Report

21. Closing of the Sessions

For further information, please visit: