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Closing the gap on access to knowledge - A look at the Research4Life Initiative

Closing the gap on access to knowledge - A look at the Research4Life Initiative

Submitted by Efua Halm on Fri, 17/05/2024 - 06:36

May 2024

An article written by the Head of Creative Economy Sector, WIPO, Mr. Alexander Cuntz, and Mr. Alessio Muscarnera, Research Fellow, Department for Economics and Data Analytics, WIPO, which delves into the gap between lower- and higher-income countries in terms of access to knowledge, with over half of medical institutions having had no subscriptions to academic literature in lower-income countries.

As a consequence of this gap, several UN agencies and major academic publishers launched the Research4Life (R4L) initiative to fill this gap. 

Read the article entitled, "Can access to published research help local science and innovation?" to learn more about the important R4L initiative and how access to this initiative is helping to close the gap on access to knowledge.