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Educational courses "Using patent databases, specialized patent search and analysis"

Educational courses "Using patent databases, specialized patent search and analysis"

Submitted by Ihor SHEVCHENKO on

The head office of the TISC IP Office invites representatives of the TISC network to join the training course "Using patent databases, specialized patent search and analysis".

🔻The course is organized by the Head Office of the TISC IP office within the framework of the development of the National IP&Innovations Hub for representatives of the TISC network.

🎤 The lecturer at the course will be patent search expert, patent attorney Oleksiy Vasiliev.

⏰When: the course will consist of 4 trainings, 2 hours each. The trainings will be held:





🔸 From 15:00 to 17:00.

🔻The course will include the following modules:

Module 1:

1. Information on the terms of participation in the course. Start survey.

2. Description of the patent search process (patent research).

3. Electronic sources of patent information and scientific and technical information.

Module 2:

1. Information search in specialized patent and scientific and technical databases: semantics and syntax of search formulas (tasks), search operators. Types of patent search (numbering, classification, context, etc.).

2. Rules for compiling search formulas and primary analysis of search results.

3. Brief overview of the International Patent Classification.

4. Practical task No. 1 "Semantics and syntax of search formulas."

Module 3:

1. The main types of patent search (description of the state of the art, substantiation of the novelty of the invention, search for information on industrial suitability, determination of the prospect of patenting). Basic practical examples of search.

2. Fixation of results and preparation of a patent search report based on DSTU documentation.

Module 4:

1. Characteristics of publicly available patent and scientific and technical databases (Espacenet, PatentScope,, SCOPUS (or Wos).

2. Peculiarities of the organization of patent search and research on examples of the main types of search.

3. Practical task No. 2 "Patent search for the purpose of describing the state of the art."

4. Final survey.