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Save the dates for our 2024 Webinar and 'Ask the Expert' series starting on May 10, 2024

Save the dates for our 2024 Webinar and 'Ask the Expert' series starting on May 10, 2024

Submitted by Efua Halm on

May 10, 2024

Our popular webinar and 'Ask the Expert' series is making its way back for this year! Our theme: IP Financing

IP financing is an area that has gained much attention over the years. And for good reason too! What we know to do, is to place value on tangible assets, like houses or cars, because there are already established markets for them. We understand those markets and trade within them comfortably, all the time. We can even receive funding to acquire them.

But when it comes to valuing and financing intangible assets, that which we cannot touch, we delve into a whole new sphere.

This year, our webinar series is focused on IP financing. What is it? Why has it been gaining so much attention? And to whom does it apply?

Join us over the next 8 months, starting on May 10th, as we discuss pertinent issues with our international experts, who will dive into this somewhat murky area, and help us to better understand and navigate this space.

Glance through our experts' list and topics and save the dates to join us for these riveting sessions!

We look forward to welcoming you all!