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Talking about my idea: a series of webinars on intellectual property and innovation starts in Ukraine.

Talking about my idea: a series of webinars on intellectual property and innovation starts in Ukraine.

Submitted by Yuliana ZUKH on

The unique project will take place as part of the work of the National IP&Innovations Hub and the implementation of the international TISC project in Ukraine.

TalkingImage removed. about my idea is a series of webinars that will address the most pressing and complex issues, practical cases from leading national and foreign experts in the field of intellectual property and innovation who will share their experience and knowledge.

Who are the speakers?

A variety of speakers will be involved in the webinar series, including

  • representatives of the Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations (IP office),
  • representatives of the TISC network,
  • scientists and inventors,
  • teachers of higher education institutions,
  • successful businessmen,
  • well-known startups,
  • foreign experts, etc.


For whom?

The webinar series may be useful for

  • representatives of universities and research institutions,
  • specialists in the field of intellectual property and innovation
  • representatives of the TISC network,
  • entrepreneurs
  • students and anyone interested in IP and innovation.


As a result of the webinar series, participants will gain practical skills and effective advice on certain aspects of commercialization of intellectual property rights, intellectual property management, innovation management, startup creation, and much more.

When and how to register?

Participation in each webinar is available by pre-registration. The registration form will be published along with additional information about the speakers and the topic of the webinar 2 weeks before the event.The first meeting will be held online on January 31.