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Webinar and Ask the Expert: “Post-deal” issues: Managing alliances and collaborations

Webinar and Ask the Expert: “Post-deal” issues: Managing alliances and collaborations

Submitted by Efua Halm on

It is our last session, in our life sciences webinar series, for the year!

We discuss '“Post-deal” issues: Managing alliances and collaborations', with our expert, Dr. Mark Wilson, who will focus on how IP terms can be dealt with in a structured fashion during the negotiation of collaborative technology development agreements. 

Key topics that will be discussed include the management of arising IP through the use of multiple categories or “pools”, the challenges that relate to the use of joint IP, and discussion of the occasions when obtaining a licence for a specific use may be more beneficial than IP ownership. When two parties are working collaboratively to develop a technology, the division of arising IP can often be a contentious topic: this session will provide some approaches and frameworks for working through these discussions in a logical and principled fashion, protecting the interests of the organisation, while seeking a productive outcome.

Come and take part in the final session of the year, on Friday, December 8th @ 14.00 CET at 

We look forward to welcoming you all! Please share this link with your esteemed networks!

Your TISC team!