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Webinar: Participation models for spinouts

Webinar: Participation models for spinouts

Submitted by Efua Halm on

What is a spinout company? Why form one and who gets equity in it once it is formed? What are the stakes and who owns what? Who are the players in this context and how does everyone fit together? So many questions but often few answers arise.  

For our sixth session in our series of webinars delving into IP valuation and IPRs management, we are thrilled to bring to you a session focused on ‘Participation models for spinouts’. Our expert, Dr. Mohammed Aljafari, Director, IP Commercialization Office, iPARK - Royal Scientific Society, Amman, Jordan, will join us to flesh out the possible options that can be taken on the critical commercialisation journey.  

Date: Monday, 26th September, 2022 @ 10am CEST (Central European Summer Time) 

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Please also join us after the webinar for our week-long Ask the Expert discussion on with Dr. Aljafari, to ask your questions pertaining to the webinar topic or perhaps enquire about how he entered into his profession.