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WIPO joins the 14th International Invention Fair in the Middle East (IIFME)

WIPO joins the 14th International Invention Fair in the Middle East (IIFME)

Submitted by Efua Halm on

February 4 - 7, 2024

The International Invention Fair in the Middle East (IIFME) is ranked among the largest invention fairs in the world! The 2024 session of the IIFME brought around 150 inventors from 40 different countries. The event was opened by Mr. Talal Al-Kharafi, Chairman of the Kuwait Science Club and the IIFME Organizing Committee.

WIPO was offered a booth to promote the Inventor Assistance Program (IAP) and other WIPO initiatives to support innovators. WIPO representatives shared practical information among the participants of the Fair on IP and WIPO’s activities to support inventors, businesses, and innovation worldwide.

WIPO Kuwait fair

For further information on the IAP, please visit:

At the Award Ceremony, two WIPO Certificates were delivered, based on the decision of the juries – one to the co-inventors from Egypt and Kuwait, and the other to an inventor from Tajikistan.

WIPO Kuwait fair


WIPO Kuwait fair

The participation in the event contributed to Expected Result 4.4 entitled 'More innovators, creators, SMEs, universities, research institutions and communities leverage IP successfully'. It was a good awareness raising opportunity to promote WIPO and its initiatives to support the innovation development.

WIPO will continue sponsoring and participating in this invaluable Fair in the coming years as it contributes to further promoting WIPO’s mandate and activities among the participants in the Fair as well as for encouraging innovation in the Middle East, particularly in the Arab region.