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World IP Day, 2023 - Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity

World IP Day, 2023 - Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity

Submitted by Efua Halm on

Plans for this year’s World Intellectual Property Day celebrations on April 26 are well underway. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the important work that you and your national TISC networks are doing to promote understanding and effective use of the IP system, especially among women.

In line with this year’s theme - Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity – the campaign is celebrating the “can do” attitude of women inventors, creators, entrepreneurs and IP professionals around the world.

Women everywhere are driving scientific breakthroughs, setting new creative trends, building businesses and transforming our world. They bring new perspectives and talents to the table yet WIPO data points to a persisting IP gender gap. Available data shows that women are still strikingly underrepresented in their use of the IP system.

This year’s World Intellectual Property Day campaign is an opportunity to shine a light on the need to encourage more women to use the IP system. In so doing, women are able to leverage the value of their work, and collectively, we all benefit from more dynamic, robust and inclusive IP and innovation ecosystems.

Here are a number of ways you and your national TISC networks can support this year’s World Intellectual Property Day celebration.

· Promote the World IP Day Video Competition: In a 90-seconds video, entrants are asked to showcase why it’s important for women and girls to switch on to IP and win a great prize! Enter the competition!

· Share IP training opportunities: Upload information about IP training/mentoring opportunities you offer to help women learn more about how IP can enable them to achieve their goals.

· Create your own World IP Day activities: celebrate the amazing women in your networks, organize an event that gets people thinking about how to create a more inclusive innovation and IP ecosystem and the benefits that flow from that. Draw on the colorful range of promotional materials available from the World IP Day social media kit to brand your event as a World IP Day activity and don’t forget to upload details to the World IP Day Events Calendar.

· Share your views on social media: Promote World Intellectual Property Day 2023 on social media platforms and/or create your own campaign using the materials from our social media kit.

· World IP Day Gallery: Nominate one or a number of remarkable women inventors, creators, entrepreneurs and/or IP professionals for the World IP Day Gallery.

· World IP Day Events Calendar: Post details of your World Intellectual Property Day event(s) on the World IP Day calendar (available in March).

· #WorldIPDay: Use the official hashtag #WorldIPDay to spread the word about World Intellectual Property Day 2023 on social media.

More information about World Intellectual Property Day 2023 can be found in the attached documents below in all UN languages. Let's work together to build more inclusive IP and innovation systems.

We look forward to celebrating World Intellectual Property Day 2023 with you all!