In a collaborative effort, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) joined forces with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) to host the Asian Regional Conference in Support of Accelerated Life Sciences Innovation. The event took place from September 11 to 15, 2023, in Manila, Philippines.
This conference marked the second edition in a series of regional meetings that are dedicated to fostering an environment conducive to the growth of innovation ecosystems. These ecosystems play a crucial role in enhancing the skills and capabilities related to intellectual property management and technology transfer, especially in the field of life sciences, with a particular emphasis on health technologies.

The conference was attended by more than 100 participants from the region, including international experts deeply immersed in the life science innovation ecosystem. Delegates welcomed from countries such as Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. Additionally, representatives from universities and institutions involved in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Offices from the host country also graced the event.
Throughout the event, the conference delved into materials falling under WIPO's "Post-Covid Sustainable Recovery Program." These included topics like Patent data search for chemical compounds and biological sequences, Disclosure and protection requirements for pharmaceutical and biotechnological inventions, IP management and technology transfer in life sciences, and a Guide to patent valuation in the field of life sciences.

Attendees had the privilege of learning from expert speakers who advocated for crucial topics concerning the management of intellectual property in the life sciences technology field. These discussions also sparked dialogues about the unique challenges facing the region's R&D and innovation landscape.
During the event, Ms. Nelia Maramba, the director of National Integrated Research Program on Medicinal Plants showcased her success story of collaborative innovation and technology transfer in life sciences, featuring partnerships between academia, government, and industry.

One of the most important outcomes of this conference was the promotion of networking among participants. It provided a platform for Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISC) and Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) in the ASEAN region to share their country-specific experiences and engage in roundtable discussions.

As an added value, with the support of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, tailored WIPO Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) options were introduced to facilitate contract negotiation and dispute resolution, particularly in the context of life sciences disputes.
In summary, the conference succeeded in fostering open discussions and collaboration among representatives from various countries in the region by effectively nurtured open dialogue and cooperation among delegates from diverse regional backgrounds. It was apparent that, irrespective of national disparities, a shared necessity for strong innovation ecosystems in the life sciences sector unites a broad spectrum of stakeholders, ranging from major biopharmaceutical corporations and biotechnology firms of varying scales to educational institutions, research centers, and government bodies. Notably, intellectual property rights remain a cornerstone in facilitating technology transfer and underpinning investments in scientific research, development, and innovation.